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  • Learning Social Skills for Children with Autism
    August 29, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    Learning Social Skills for Children with Autism

    Socialising with other children and adults can be difficult for children with autism, we discuss some strategies and techniques you can you to develop your child's social skills. Lots of children with autism struggle when it comes to engaging and socialising with other children and adults.

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  • Things to consider when buying clothing for children with autism
    June 15, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    Things to consider when buying clothing for children with autism

    If you are the parent to a child with autism, you might find it challenging to buy clothing for them that they are able to wear. Children with autism and sensory issues can find certain items and textures of clothing irritating and as such, it can be difficult purchasing clothes that are suitable for them. In this blog, SpecialKids Company will provide a list of things that you should consider when buying clothes for children with autism or sensory needs.
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  • A Guide to Autism Friendly Christmas Music
    December 18, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    A Guide to Autism Friendly Christmas Music

    From an early age, we are taught Christmas songs and they come with us into our adulthood, here to stay as part of our annual Christmas experience, one way or another. But what kind of music is best for autism? Is there autism-friendly Christmas music? In this blog, SpecialKids Company will explore this, providing you with a guide to autism-friendly Christmas music.
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  • Top Picks For Autism Friendly Christmas Events 2023
    December 11, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Top Picks For Autism Friendly Christmas Events 2023

    The need for Autism friendly Christmas events is becoming better recognised every year, with venues having a greater understanding of sensory needs and what works better for children with autism at Christmas. Avoiding queues, dimmed lights, quieter music and fewer crowds are just a few of the things parents of children with autism look for when attending events at Christmas. The best place to find out about these events is usually online or via word of mouth from other parent carers.
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