I have known for almost all my adult life that I had an aunt that no one wanted to talk about. So on a recent trip to Egypt I was on a mission to find out what happened to her.Read now
Torn Between an Extraordinary Memory (HSAM) and Autism
“I want teenagers with autism to know it’s O.K that some days are tough and I’m here to tell you it gets easier as you mature into adulthood and find your passion.” Wise words from Rebecca Sharrock who knows only too well how difficult the teenage years can be for someone with autism and who suffers with depression and anxiety.
Rhia Favero talks to us about World Bedwetting Day – 24th May
“World Bedwetting Day is about raising awareness of bedwetting as a common treatable condition. There are lots of children and families going through it and we want them to know there are many treatments available. They don’t have to suffer on their own”.
Talking to Anna Kennedy about the positive side of Autism
"There is so much negativity out there. We know the negative part because obviously we live it every day. We want to create opportunities, possibilities and a platform to showcase their creativity" says Anna.
We meet with Anna Kennedy, a mother of 2 boys with autism, Patrick and Angelo. Anna is a prominent advocate in the autistic community, promoting autism awareness and showing the positive side.
1,100 WONSIE garments donated to Palestinian children!!!
SpecialKids.Company is excited about its recent international contribution to children in need. We were able to facilitate the donation of 1,100 Wonsie bodysuits to children of special needs in Palestine. The chosen charity for the donation was ABCD - Action around Bethlehem Children with Disability.